Tag Archive | United States

TITLE IX: FEMALE SPORTS: DR. RO KNOWS: forty years of Title IX has paid off in medal victories for girls and women at London’s 2012 Olympics

Title IX 6/09/12

Title IX 6/09/12 (Photo credit: dianecordell)

By: Dr. Rosetta Stith

With the success of girls and women medalists at the Summer Olympics, age was not a factor.

The youngest,  Katie Ledecky, is 15 years of age from Bethesda, Maryland.

Gabby Douglass , America’s Golden Girl, is 16 and became the first African-American to win the Women’s All Around Gymnastics Competition.

Missy Franklin, age 17, broke the world record and won the 200 meter backstroke.

The most rewarding factor for those young girls is that they are still in high school. They were able to train and compete because 40 years ago, Title IX of the Civil Rights Act was enacted into law, and removed the barriers girls faced in the schools to engage in competitive sports.

How did girls and women end the 2012 Olympics


And that bodes well for their future success in the 2016 Olympics.

ELECTION 2012: DR. RO KNOWS: if women do not vote on November 6th, could we lose the women centered reforms we recently gained?

By: Dr. Rosetta Stith

English: PA: Lilly Ledbetter Visits Pittsburgh...

English: PA: Lilly Ledbetter Visits Pittsburgh to Discuss Why Barack Obama is the Best Candidate for Working Families (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Ladies, The 2012 Election On Tuesday, November 6th Is Ours To Lose If We Do Not Vote                                                                

As women, we must continue to be mindful of the health programs and services that we will continue to need for ourselves, our children, and our families.

What does mean?

We must make every effort to share this important health information with our families and friends, and emphasize the importance of voting on November 6th.

Remember if we do not vote, we will surly get the candidate we did not want in the White House who may not value or understand the needs of women.

See you at the voting booths.


The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009, A Bill In The Right Direction For Women

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          This The ‘fair pay act’ for women became effective on  January 29, 2006.

President Obama   championed  this bill and Lilly Ledbetter’s cause knowing the  financial needs of women.

This was the ‘first  act’ he signed as President of the United States.

If the White House and the Congress change hands, could we lose it?

We will not if we vote!


Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (VAWA)”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

This act was signed into law by President Clifton on September 13, 1994 to address  domestic, sexual, dating violence and stalking.

This act was reauthorized by Congress 2000, and again in December 2005.

The act was due again for renewal this year, but was not renewed before the Congress recessed. There is no certainty it will be renewed after the election.

Specific programs and services to be renewed this year are:                                                                                   

*Community violence prevention programs

* Protection for victims who are evicted from the homes because of events related to domestic violence or stalking

*Funding for victim assistance services, like rape crisis centers and hotlines

* Programs to meet the needs of immigrant women and women of different  races or ethnicities

*Programs  and services for victims with disabilities, and Legal Aid for survivors.    

Due to importance of this act and the programs and services  it provides for women, and its renewal  this year, 2012, which may be stalled, the situation gives us another reason to vote this November.

For the hundreds of women who were able to use these services and programs to renew their lives or families , and for those who have friends and family members  who need, or were saved by this act, we have another reason to show up, to stand up, and to vote  on November 6th.

See you at the voting polls!!!                                                                    


LONDON 2012 OLYMPICS: the high school girl wonders!

Missy Franklin

Missy Franklin (Photo credit: jdlasica)

By: Dr. Rosetta Stith                                        

Katie Ledecky, who recently turned  15 years old this past March, from Bethesda, Maryland, is the youngest high school member of the United States Olympic Team,  and new  comer on the international scene.

She astonished onlookers when she won her first major international event from start to finish in the  Women’s  800 Meter Free Style Final last Friday, August 3, 2012 breaking Janet Evans 23 year old record in 8 minutes, 14.63 seconds.

A half second from breaking  the world recordMissy Franklin, 17 years old maintained utter dominance to win the 200 meter backstroke, and breaking the world record, and defeating the second –place finisher by nearly two seconds!  

There’s only one word to describe their accomplishments for the United States 2012 Olympic Teams, their families, friends, and their states:


The best part and value of these competitions for girls and women, is that there is more to come in future years. We need to give them our full support.

My last words: ‘Let’s Hear It For Our Girls And Women.’

WOMEN: Do not forget to encourage our younger girls to watch important sports events with you.

Ask them who was their favorite and why?

You may be surprised at what they will say, that is how it begins. 

Ask someone who knows: Ms. Natalie Hawkins, Gabrielle Douglas’ mother!

ELECTION 2012: DR. RO KNOWS: With the fate of the Supreme Court at stake, ‘No Women Left Behind’ must be the endgame for all women in this Presidential Election; women must vote!

English: The United States Supreme Court, the ...

English: The United States Supreme Court, the highest court in the United States, in 2009. Top row (left to right): Associate Justice Samuel A. Alito, Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Associate Justice Stephen G. Breyer, and Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor. Bottom row (left to right): Associate Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, Associate Justice John Paul Stevens, Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Associate Justice Antonin G. Scalia, and Associate Justice Clarence Thomas. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

By: Dr. Rosetta Stith

All women of America who are eligible to vote in the Presidential Election on November 6, 2012 must be out and about that date and voting for the President of the United States.

The stakes for women could not be higher:

1.    Loss of abortion rights and a woman’s right to privacy!

On FOX News Sunday, Justice Antonin Scalia, one of the 5 conservative Justices of the Supreme Court, and of only 9 Justices on the High Court, openly declared that when the right case is presented to the Court, he will vote to strike down the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade which protects the right of a woman to an abortion which cannot be regulated by the States.

He also declared that the Right to Privacy does not exist in the U. S. Constitution.

2.    Loss of voting rights!

Conservative advocates are demanding that the Voting Rights Act of 1965 either be repealed by Congress, or overturned by the Supreme Court.

Do you doubt what Justice Scalia probably thinks about the  constitutional validity of the Voting Rights Act?

3.    Loss of medical benefits!

The Affordable Health Care Act, passed by Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama, assures that women will have adequate health insurance coverage and medical benefits.

But the Supreme Court barely upheld the constitutional validity of the law by a 5 to 4 vote of the Justices.

Needless to say, Justice Scalia was one of the dissenting Justices who voted to strike down the law.



The date for this important and upcoming Presidential election for us is November 6th, 2012.

All of us need to go out and VOTE!

This Presidential Election will be the most important one in our lives, and should not be missed if we want to maintain our current rights and health services that we need.

Your vote is a ‘must do’ if we want to move forward for ourselves as women, and for our families.

Up on the target board for abolishment by the Supreme Court are women’s rights.

Again, the Presidential Election is on November 6th.

We must show up, stand out, and shout out our needs as women for ourselves and our families.

In order for us as women to continue to move forward for the next 4 years , let’s  commit ourselves and share this important voting information with family members, and friends to make November 6th ‘our must do day’ and ensure what we need as women with our votes.

Remember, as women we are better together;  the world has no tomorrows without us! 

See you at the voting booths!