DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: DR. RO KNOWS: Chris Brown-shame on you for trivializing your violent abuse of Rihanna

By: Dr. Rosetta Stith

Chris: it is apparent from your comment about Rihanna speaking out that your community service and other mandates by the Judge after three years, that you are lacking something which is very important-respect and humility towards women.

For the remaining two years of probation, perhaps you need to change your lane, visit shelters for battered and abused women, and families who lost their mothers, grandmothers, and other loved ones because of domestic abuse and violence by men like you.

 Your comment: “I am tired of Rihanna talking about this, she needs to let this go, “ is easy for you to say because mentally you want it to go away. But, for Rihanna, it is not that easy. Forgiving and forgetting comes with time and results from appropriate help and counseling. Apparently, she is not there yet.

Is ‘this’ all that the horrible incident of violence means to you as a person, celebrity, and a young African American man which has been a successful entertainer?

I wonder if you would still feel the same way if ‘this’ had happened to your sister or mother?

It is said: ‘you need to check your self’ regarding your concerns about Rihanna retelling her story about  your violent abuse and explosive temper before you wreck yourself and your career again, remember?